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Ladies and gentlemen!

We welcome you at the office of lawyer Eduard Melnic –one of the forms of organizing the profession of lawyer, according to the legislation of Moldova (art. 29 Law № 1260-XV of 19 July 2002).

In the cabinet of lawyer Eduard Melnic exercises his profession (founder of the cabinet) – Eduard Melnic, according to the license for the exercise of the lawyer's profession А № 0079, issued on September 18, 2001 by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic.

Member of the Moldovan Lawyers ' Union is from the year 1998, after a year after graduating from the State University of Moldova.

In law enforcement bodies we have not activated, thus, except for one year as a lawyer at the State enterprise, the seniority of the lawyer's activity is more than 25 years.

With respect, chief of cabinet, lawyer Eduard Melnic

Mun. Chisinau, Decebal Blvd. 99/A, tel/Fax (373) 00-03-73 GSM 079 48 23 30


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